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In addition to measuring the wide impact and significance of social media in the life of the elderly, we want to imagine the level they can reach in 2030 with new features and improvements.

Today, social media is more than a platform where people communicate with each other.

According to Global Digital Report 2017 (Hootsuide, nd )

  • The number of internet users worldwide in 2019 is 4.388 billion, up 9.1% year-on-year.
  • The number of social media users worldwide in 2019 is 3.484 billion, up 9% year-on-year.
  • The number of mobile phone users in 2019 is 5.112 billion, up 2% year-on-year.

These figures show that the place of the internet in people’s lives has increased and will continue to increase. The use of the Internet increases, due in part to how much time people spend on social media. According to researchers, Facebook is the most popular social media site and it is especially the site preferred by the elderly. According to Pew Research’s most recent social media fact sheet, 69% of adults between 50-64 and 40% of those above 65 use social media. Perhaps more interestingly, 41% of Facebook users are 65+(Pew Research Center, 2019)

As stated in the video above, the older people are actively using the internet. By 2030 they will become more active and experienced users. With reduced mobility, social media will become more attractive to them and will use social media in many areas of their lives.

Ten years ago, we could never have predicted the point we reached today. Online chat rooms, playgroups, live video conferences and more. Imagine 2030 now! While Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and all other social media platforms are constantly renewing themselves, new platforms will be added to our lives and these new platforms will change the habits of the elderly. Seniors will connect with people who share the same tastes and socialize online. Many older people will have a wide social environment even if they are alone. For example, while receiving health information from his doctor, he will be able to send an online gift to his grandson; While planning his vacation, he will vote online for the presidential election.

In 2030, social media seems to cause digitization of the seniors’ habits.



Hootsuite. (n.d.). The Global State of Digital in 2019 Report. Retrieved from Hootsuite Web site: https://hootsuite.com/pages/digital-in-2019

Pew Research Center. (2019, June 12). Social Media Fact Sheet. Retrieved from Pew research Center Web site: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/social-media/#who-uses-social-media

YouTube. (2018, January 17). Technology & Social Media: Do Seniors Use Them. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvLv8Scc8zI

Seniors and Social Media in 2030: Stay Alerted

It has come to the point, where you can not always look at the television screen for news, especially if time spent is usually outside. With that being said, cellular devices have news apps as well as option for “alert” to grab people’s attention. This is very good for seniors because when it comes to situations such as an amber alert, nuclear warning etc. the cellular device being used get the alert as soon as possible.

“Silver” is recommended for seniors if they go missing according to the Cochise County Police. These alert systems immediately notify every cellular device as it gives information on the specific person missing and suspect. With this as good use for your cellphone, it’s good use and helps seniors stay connected to help contribute.


Inger, S. [KGUN9]. (2013, December 30). “Silver” Alert: Cochise County Sheriff pushes for Amber-like alert when seniors go missing [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncBsLAHSGSs

Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030 – How to Handle Diabetes

By 2030, 1 out of every 4 baby boomers (seniors) will be living with diabetes (Pharmacy Times, 2016). Seniors living with this chronic disease will need a lot of assistance and guidance. To do this, The worldwide healthcare community will need to increase communication about awareness, proper diets, and monitoring. This communication will be done most effectively through social media. Social media will also allow seniors to have access to communication with other people living with the same condition. Aided by group forums and participatory culture, seniors will be able to learn from their peers and from professionals how to properly manage their condition. The graphic below shows the increase in the population affected by diabetes from the years 2000 to 2030 (Albert Eintsein College of Medicine, 2007). Every continent is seeing an increase in rates so it is important that governments acknowledge this problem and look for ways to assist their citizens through social media, including seniors. 


Albert Einstein College of Medicine. (Hossain). (2007). Global Prevalance of Diabtes. Retrieved from https://www.einstein.yu.edu/centers/global-health/global-diabetes-institute/about-us/global-diabetes/ 

Garza, A. (2016, January). The Aging Population: The Increasing Effects on Health Care Pharmacy Times. Retrieved from https://www.pharmacytimes.com/publications/issue/2016/January2016/The-Aging-Population-The-Increasing-Effects-on-Health-Care 

Senior and Social Media in 2030: Learning

Learning is a huge factor for people, as it helps understand things in a clear way. Slightly more than half of 65 to 74-year-olds used their mobile phone or smartphone for this purpose. A share of just over 20 percent was seen among people aged 75 or older. Tablets – after mobile phones or smartphones – are most popular for internet use (CBS, 2018). This shows how statistics of the elderly keeps increasing year by year when it comes to activity shown across social media on any platform, most commonly towards facebook. When it comes to seniors and their online use, there are situations in which it’s difficult to understand modern technology.

CCTV have footage of a grandmother (senior) being taught the use of her cellular device and social media by her 16-year old grandson. With that being said, once elders are able to learn different characteristics and features of the social media world, they will be able to start learning new things and take part in online classes, communication and debating.


Rosenblu, M. [CCTV English]. (2016, July 13). Teens teach smartphone technology, social media to seniors [Video file] . Retrieved from youtube.com/watch?v=MkuBO6vuWbo

Statistics Netherlands. (2018, January 5). Social media on the rise among seniors. Retrieved from https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2017/52/social-media-on-the-rise-among-seniors

Seniors and Social Media in 2030: Easy Access for Help

Seniors need easy access with people across the internet, whether it’s family or for medical assistance. According to pew studies research, elders always seek access towards doctors and their advice. Which varies:

  • Ages 50-64
    • 71% seek healthcare information online (Boyer, 2018)
    • 60% search for healthcare information on Facebook (Boyer, 2018)
  • For Ages 65+
    • 58% seek healthcare information online (Boyer, 2018)
    • 43% search for healthcare information on Facebook (Boyer, 2018)

Depending on the age group, this study expresses how seniors seek above 50% of assistance online through the web and social media. Being a good decision for seniors, having assistance can help benefit them because they can receive tips and guidance over medications, injuries and seek symptoms. Having health concerns is very serious, and would require a quick look up, but before then there will be time for you to see what’s recommended to do.


Boyer, L. (n.d.). Are Senior Citizens Engaging in Healthcare Technology? Retrieved from https://www.solutionreach.com/blog/are-senior-citizens-engaging-in-healthcare-technology

(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?q=Elders+help+social+media&sxsrf=ALeKk00S30_aBbHH7itsAkSr3FwYqTWyDQ:1586133143289&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwity8m0xtLoAhUUHc0KHQRYAiQQ_AUoAXoECA0QAw&biw=1368&bih=802#imgrc=wXTO5RxSGWYLpM

Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030 – The Benefits of Telemedicine

Telemedicine was originally used only for those who were not able to reach a medical facility. But views on telemedicine are projected to change by the year 2030 (Sarasohn-Kahn, 2019). This shift is due to the realization that healthcare via technology is more convenient, reduces virus spreading, and makes sense in our world. Through different technology platforms and AI, healthcare practitioners will be able to reach out via social media to the elderly. By 2030, seniors may use social media for check-ups, prescription renewals, physical, and many more things. The image below from WeForum.org show many interesting global healthcare statistics. This chart states that by 2035 (only a few years after our subject year of 2030), our healthcare practitioner numbers will be dwindling by the millions (World Economic Forum, 2020). Telemedicine will allow these few remaining professionals to work more effectively through their patients as there will not be the delay time of in-person appointments. This will mutually help the healthcare workers by helping them care for more people, and it will ensure that the seniors of 2030 will be provided adequate time and service instead of being pushed aside as not important. 


Sarasohn-Kahn. (2019, April). Telehealth in 2030 — We Are Elroy Jetson Now. Tincture. Retrieved from https://tincture.io/telehealth-in-2030-we-are-elroy-jetson-now-466cbdd1b47b 

World Economic Forum. (Philips). (2020). Understanding the size of the global healthcare challenge. Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/future-of-artificial-intelligence-healthcare-delivery/ 

Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030: Guidance of Medication

As seniors get older, they may experience some sort of pain whether it’s mentally or physical. As people are aging, there are chances of medications they must take.

More and more, seniors are seeking out medical resources, healthcare providers, and information online. As their habits evolve, so too should your patient engagement implementation and strategy (Boyler, 2018). As years go by and technology is increasing, elderly patients can receive health records and tips from doctors and help find their specific health conditions. Having conversations with their caregivers about the sites and content available out there could raise the trust and encourage older people to go on social media (Ekaterina, 2017). You can have access to contact your doctors on social media platforms such Instagram, online websites or even Facebook. With medical conditions affecting people’s lives, having quick access through social media can help you or someone in need by providing some sort of guidance before a trip to the doctors.

Boyer, L. (n.d.). Are Senior Citizens Engaging in Healthcare Technology? Retrieved from https://www.solutionreach.com/blog/are-senior-citizens-engaging-in-healthcare-technology

Ekaterina. (2017, November 9). Social media and older people: Promising future? • ALL DIGITAL. Retrieved from https://all-digital.org/social-media-older-people-promising-future/

Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030 – Technology Part 2

Virtual and Augmented Reality are already a game changer, one can wonder how developed it will be in 2030. “Augmented reality is about to add a digital intelligence layer to our every surrounding, transforming retail, manufacturing, education, tourism, real estate, and almost every major industry that holds up our economy today.” (Diamandis, 2019) In relation to social media, VR/AR in 2030 will be developed to be helpful for seniors where they can have a conversation and change locations through the augmented world especially having calls with family members around the world.


Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030 – Technology Part 1

Smartphones and tablets play a major role in the life of every human and are present in every household. The usage of them fluctuates between generations but in 2030 we will see an increase in the usage especially as “more people enter their 60s in the coming decades, technology companies will be forced to consider the needs as well as perspectives of this growing population if they hope to sell them their devices and services.” (Jefferson, 2019). Technology can relate to supporting elders by warning them about medication times and in case they get lost they can be tracked by certain authorities.



Visualizing Social Media Use by Seniors in 2030

When we talk about 2030, we realize that a huge number of Gen X’s will become Baby Boomers meaning that the transfer from generation to generation relates to the shift in social media usage by seniors. There will be a major increase in social media usage by seniors in 2030 as they get used to the development of technology. “Boomers are showing the greatest increase in activity on social media platforms. For example, usage of Instagram and WhatsApp is up 59% and 44% respectively for this group since 2016, which is more than double the global average.” (Viens, 2019)


Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030 – How to Assist those with Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease is a very concerning issue for many people, especially the elderly. It does not solely affect the elderly, but the majority of diagnosed cases are from the elderly population (Alzheimer Society Canada, n.d.). At the United States congress in 2012, the Alzheimer’s Association projected that by 2030, 7.7 million people in America will have Alzheimer’s, and that rate will continue to increase (United States Congress, 2012). The graphic below shows the alarming rates of Alzheimer’s disease and projects that, in 2030, worldwide there will be 56.55 million cases (UCLA Newsroom, 2007). Alzheimer’s has many dangerous and sad effects but one result is that sometimes people with Alzheimer’s wander off alone and they can easily get lost. Through social media tracking, alerts, and specified government alert accounts, the elderly can use social media to find their loved ones and the obtain help when they do get lost. Although we cannot use social media to prevent or cure Alzheimer’s (yet), we can use social media to help those with Alzheimer’s and their loved ones. 


Alzheimer Society Canada. (n.d.) Shattering the Myths. Retrieved from https://alzheimer.ca/en/Home/About-dementia/What-is-dementia/Shattering-the-myths 

UCLA Newsroom. (Alzheimer’s Association). (2007). Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Retrieved from https://newsroom.ucla.edu/stories/sounding-the-alarm-on-a-future-epidemic:-alzheimer-s-disease 

United States Congress. (2012). Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the Congress. Retrieved from https://books.google.ca/books?id=tsOvTcUa6bQC&pg=PA13601&lpg=PA13601&dq=%22missing+alert%22+and+%222030%22&source=bl&ots=jLBiC1BMos&sig=ACfU3U0j6KAqyCEtCXLOatthpC8umx0YKw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwidlvrC7croAhXoAZ0JHfwgCukQ6AEwAHoECAwQKQ#v=onepage&q=%20%222030%22&f=false  page 13601 

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