Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030: Guidance of Medication

As seniors get older, they may experience some sort of pain whether it’s mentally or physical. As people are aging, there are chances of medications they must take.

More and more, seniors are seeking out medical resources, healthcare providers, and information online. As their habits evolve, so too should your patient engagement implementation and strategy (Boyler, 2018). As years go by and technology is increasing, elderly patients can receive health records and tips from doctors and help find their specific health conditions. Having conversations with their caregivers about the sites and content available out there could raise the trust and encourage older people to go on social media (Ekaterina, 2017). You can have access to contact your doctors on social media platforms such Instagram, online websites or even Facebook. With medical conditions affecting people’s lives, having quick access through social media can help you or someone in need by providing some sort of guidance before a trip to the doctors.

Boyer, L. (n.d.). Are Senior Citizens Engaging in Healthcare Technology? Retrieved from

Ekaterina. (2017, November 9). Social media and older people: Promising future? • ALL DIGITAL. Retrieved from

One thought on “Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030: Guidance of Medication

  1. Hasan,

    We all felt the importance of health and the health system in the present days we live. I agree that keeping people’s health history will be very useful in the following years. It is also interesting that the idea of ​​chatting with the caregivers of the elderly encourages them to take place in social media.

    Good Job


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