Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030 – The Benefits of Telemedicine

Telemedicine was originally used only for those who were not able to reach a medical facility. But views on telemedicine are projected to change by the year 2030 (Sarasohn-Kahn, 2019). This shift is due to the realization that healthcare via technology is more convenient, reduces virus spreading, and makes sense in our world. Through different technology platforms and AI, healthcare practitioners will be able to reach out via social media to the elderly. By 2030, seniors may use social media for check-ups, prescription renewals, physical, and many more things. The image below from show many interesting global healthcare statistics. This chart states that by 2035 (only a few years after our subject year of 2030), our healthcare practitioner numbers will be dwindling by the millions (World Economic Forum, 2020). Telemedicine will allow these few remaining professionals to work more effectively through their patients as there will not be the delay time of in-person appointments. This will mutually help the healthcare workers by helping them care for more people, and it will ensure that the seniors of 2030 will be provided adequate time and service instead of being pushed aside as not important. 


Sarasohn-Kahn. (2019, April). Telehealth in 2030 β€” We Are Elroy Jetson Now. Tincture. Retrieved from 

World Economic Forum. (Philips). (2020). Understanding the size of the global healthcare challenge. Retrieved from 

2 thoughts on “Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030 – The Benefits of Telemedicine

  1. This is a great topic, Rachel. A great example of the future of the health system in 2030. It is interesting to note that this change reduces virus spread and that health practitioners can reach the elderly through social media via different technology platforms and artificial intelligence. I liked this. Everything that will prevent the spread of the virus in these days attracts my attention πŸ™‚


  2. Well done Rachel! I just learned more about Telemedicine while reading your topic. I also like how you included a great image based on the numbers for medicine and media. Also how it’s stated by 2035 our health practitioners will be dwindling by millions, which makes me more attentive to read about this topic.
    Great Job!


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