Seniors and Social Media in 2030: Stay Alerted

It has come to the point, where you can not always look at the television screen for news, especially if time spent is usually outside. With that being said, cellular devices have news apps as well as option for “alert” to grab people’s attention. This is very good for seniors because when it comes toContinue reading “Seniors and Social Media in 2030: Stay Alerted”

Senior and Social Media in 2030: Learning

Learning is a huge factor for people, as it helps understand things in a clear way. Slightly more than half of 65 to 74-year-olds used their mobile phone or smartphone for this purpose. A share of just over 20 percent was seen among people aged 75 or older. Tablets – after mobile phones or smartphonesContinue reading “Senior and Social Media in 2030: Learning”

Seniors and Social Media in 2030: Easy Access for Help

Seniors need easy access with people across the internet, whether it’s family or for medical assistance. According to pew studies research, elders always seek access towards doctors and their advice. Which varies: Ages 50-64 71% seek healthcare information online (Boyer, 2018) 60% search for healthcare information on Facebook (Boyer, 2018) For Ages 65+ 58% seekContinue reading “Seniors and Social Media in 2030: Easy Access for Help”

Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030: Guidance of Medication

As seniors get older, they may experience some sort of pain whether it’s mentally or physical. As people are aging, there are chances of medications they must take. More and more, seniors are seeking out medical resources, healthcare providers, and information online. As their habits evolve, so too should your patient engagement implementation and strategyContinue reading “Seniors and Social Media Use in 2030: Guidance of Medication”

Seniors and Social Media in 2030: Contacting One-Another

Communication is the best way people interact with each other, whether it’s through face to face conversations, through your cell phone, or even through social media. Each social media platform had updates regarding communicating with friends and family near by and abroad through a simple touch of a call or video call. Connecting with oneContinue reading “Seniors and Social Media in 2030: Contacting One-Another”

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